Connie S. Jones
​Connie Jones has worked in Packaging, Transportation and Waste Management for 38 years. Connie began her career as an intern for the Transportation Manager at Fernald in Ohio in 1985 and left in 2000 as the Waste and Transportation Certification Manager. Connie spent the next several years in Waste Management, Packaging, Transportation and Transportation Regulatory Compliance at various sites in Oak Ridge, TN. Connie left Oak Ridge to accept the Waste and Transportation Certification Manager position at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PGDP), Piketon, Ohio in 2004. At PDGP her responsibilities included defining disposition paths for waste, managed Cost Accounting for Prime Contract waste accounts, administered the NNSS Certification Program, provided Advanced Mixed Waste DOT Training to Hazmat employees for PGDP and other DOE facilities, established in-field Haz-Cat Operations, and certified on-site and off-site shipments of hazardous and radioactive materials/wastes. In 2010, Connie returned to Oak Ridge, TN and accepted a position with Perma-Fix Environmental Services as Waste Compliance and Brokerage Program Manager where she continues to serve in Waste Management, Packaging, Characterization and Transportation Certification areas complex-wide. Connie has lead special teams of professionals at several DOE facilities in the area of Haz-Cat Operations (characterization) and has served as DOE Transportation Management Council (TMC) Chairperson and on the Executive Board, as RADCALC Steering Committee Chairperson, CTMA Board of Directors (her first CTMA was in 1987), is a Professional Nuclear Quality System Lead Auditor, serving on Teams performing DOE TCAPs and MCEPs, and Packaging Manufacturer’s Audits. Connie holds a BA in Business Management from Wilmington College and majored in Environmental Law Graduate Studies at the University of Colorado.